Wednesday, January 21, 2009

According to John L. Kaminski, "The September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were among the greatest crimes in American history. Yet the Bush administration has issued dozens of lies about the attack that defy rational analysis. For example, officials first denied that they had any foreknowledge of the planned attacks, but hours later they were somehow able to release the names of the alleged perpetrators. Such inconsistencies are among dozens that have led numerous people to conclude that officials at the highest levels of government were behind the attacks. These treasonous attacks were executed by those who wished to loot the treasury, wage wars based on lies, and institute a dictatorial system. The American people must demand that their political representatives ask hard questions of those in government and big business who had the most to benefit from the 9/11 attacks. The very future of American democracy is at stake."

I have to agree with Mr. Kaminski the attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon is one of the worlds worst crimes in history. Now looking back on that day would it have been different if we had taken Osama bin Laden when we had the chance the first time that we were over there. Some people say that the only reason why our troops are over there is Bush wanted to finish what George Bush Sr. could not finish. Mr. Kaminski is right Bush knew that the Osama bin Laden was planing on taking out the Twin Towers when he knew that the United States would be off their guard.


  1. I agree that the atacks on the world trade center and the pentagon was one of the worst that this nation has ever seen, but I disagree about Bush supporting Osama Bin Laden. How could that had happened?. Osama Bin Laden planned it a time ago with Al-Kaeda(organization), even posting some videos in the internet.Bush was totally unaware of this.

    Besides that, the idea of "finishing that what Sr.Bush had not finished seems imposing. First of all, because everyone of us has different views and of course different opinions, so why would Bush approve the atack to the twin towers?, it sounds strange, why would he like to destroy a national symbol.

    From my personal point of view, I would not call "crime": the 9/11. It was terrorism promoting fear and death of innocent targets.

  2. I disagree concerning the comments listed above by Kathy and her reference to comments by John L. Kaminski. The reference to the effect that there was a conspiricy by the highest levels of the U.S. government that allowed the perpatrators to succeed with the attacks. With the current computer capacity in the U.S. today it does not require a great deal of time to track some one from a boarding list of an airline. Especially if that person is a foriegn national in the U.S. taking classes of any type. Since the teams of foriegn nationals were in the U.S. taking flying lessons to get comercial flying lisences that made them even easier to locate by the legal sources doing the checking at the time. As much as most people would agree that we should have taken out Osama while we had the chance, the state of world affairs relating to the U.S. would be even worse that it is now. The coaltion of force that was used for the first Gulf War was shakey at best. The Arab nations had limited how far the non Arab nations could go in the attacks. If we had continued the war, we would have had every Arab and Muslim country and or person in the world coalesced into one giant JIHAD against us. As bad as it is now it would have been a magnatude worse if we had.
